Specialists in electrical cost estimates

1build specializes in electrical estimates, providing quantity takeoffs and cost estimates for a wide range of electrical contractors throughout the U.S.

Discover why electrical contractors all over the nation choose 1build.

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If you’re an electrical contractor, we’ve got you covered

1build’s network of skilled estimators includes specialists in electrical estimates, low voltage estimates, EPC estimates, and many more. No matter your specialization, 1build will develop a detailed and accurate estimate that will help you win bids and protect your margins.

Electrical Contractors

Electrify your work and win more bids, faster with 1build

Low Voltage Contractors

Install any structured wiring system with detailed, professional estimates


Get local prices for everything you need to finish the job

Electrical cost estimates for every kind of project

1build has developed high-quality electrical estimates for large residential and commercial projects, including apartments, restaurants, shopping centers, banks, educational facilities, hospitals, and more. Because our estimators have deep expertise in electrical estimating and know your trade inside-and-out, you can feel confident our final estimates will help you win jobs and grow your business.

See it in action→

Comprehensive Electrical Estimates

Every estimate we develop for our customers delivers value. Our final electrical estimates [deliverables] include all of the following to ensure you win your next bid:

Electrical takeoff spreadsheet

Budget summary

Material and labor costs

Labor hours

Marked up drawing plans

Custom margin adjustments

Get the most value. Choose 1build.

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